~ 2000s
- 1991
- March 26The First Assembly Election (10 electoral districts, 15 members)
- April 15Established the Council Secretariat Office
The 1st Chairman and Vice-Chairman Election
Opening Ceremony
- 1992
- February 13Reorganized the Secretariat Office into the Secretariat Division
- April 14The First 1st Standing Committee (3) and Committee Chairman Election
- 1993
- April 9The First 2nd Chairman and Vice-Chairman Election
The First 2nd Standing Committee and Committee Chairman Election
- 1994
- April 27The First 3nd Standing Committee and Committee Chairman Election
- 1995
- April 13The First 3rd Vice-Chairman Election
The First 4th Council Steering Committee Chairman Election - June 30Ended the First Council
- June 27The 2nd Assembly Election (16 electoral districts 27 members)
- July 14The 2nd First Half-year Chairman and Vice-Chairman Election
Opening Ceremony - July 15The 2nd First Half-year Standing Committee and Committee Chairman Election
- 1996
- January 1Reorganized the Secretariate Division into the Secretariat Bureau
- 1997
- January 7The 2nd Second Half-year Chairman and Vice-Chairman Election
- January 8The 2nd Second Half-year Standing Committee and Committee Chairman Election
- 1998
- May 8The 2nd Second Half-year Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson By-election
- June 30Ended the 2nd council
- June 4The 3rd Assembly Election (21 electoral districts 21 members)
- July 8The 3rd First Half-year Chairman and Vice-Chairman Election
The 3rd First Half-year Standing Committee Chairman Election - July 9Opening Ceremony