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Welcome to the website of Daejeon Seo-gu Council

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Welcome to all netizens visiting the Seo-gu Council website.

Dear 470,000 residents of Seo-gu! I am Cho Gyu-sik, the Chairperson of the 9th Seo-gu Council in the latter half of its term.

Since its establishment in 1991, the Seo-gu Council has been dedicated to communicating closely with the residents of Seo-gu and realizing local autonomy for over 30 years. Moving forward, we will continue to monitor and check local administration and strive to drive the development of Seo-gu by setting the following directions for our legislative activities.

First, we will create an open council in collaboration with the residents.

In the era of Local Decentralization 2.0, local governments can now autonomously formulate and implement policies beyond merely executing central government policies, thanks to advances in digital technology and information communication. The Seo-gu Council will establish various communication channels to implement an ‘open council’ where the voices of residents are reflected in policy-making.

Second, we will implement policies that residents can truly feel.

Our country is on the brink of entering a super-aged society due to demographic changes and is facing a crisis of population decline. Additionally, commercial districts are shrinking, undermining the foundation of the local economy. The Seo-gu Council will strengthen the capabilities of its members through forums, meetings, and research group activities to develop policies that residents can perceive as real changes.

Third, we will transform into a safer Seo-gu.

Economic instability, political distrust, social inequality, climate change, and natural disasters are various factors threatening everyday safety. The Seo-gu Council and the executive branch will collaborate to build an integrated cooperative system with relevant agencies based on the principle of preemptive prevention and enhance the social safety net and disaster response and management systems, thus promoting legislative activities for a safer Seo-gu.

Lastly, the 20 members of the Seo-gu Council promise to present rational alternatives for municipal administration and do our utmost for the development of Seo-gu. Thank you.

Cho Gyu-sik, Chairperson of the Seo-gu Council, Daejeon Metropolitan City